The lines between art and architecture are blurring. We’ve now seen artist Grayson Perry try his hand at design, just a week after architecture collective Assemble were nominated for a Turner Prize. What next? Statisticians designing homes instead of architects? Surely not…
How two million Swedes helped to design a home

Tham & Videgård Arkitekter has analysed two million internet users’ reaction to houses on Swedish property site Hemnet to design statistically the most desirable home in the country. Read more about the Hemnet Home on Quartz.
Architecture collective Assemble plan a ‘Brutalist playground’ for RIBA

Turner Prize-nominated practice Assemble, together with artist Simon Terrill, will transform the RIBA’s architecture gallery into a ‘Brutalist playground’ for an installation during the upcoming London Festival of Architecture. The Architects’ Journal has the latest on Assemble’s plans.
Grayson Perry designs A House for Essex

From a Turner Prize nominee to a former winner… Artist Grayson Perry has designed a holiday home for Living Architecture called A House for Essex. Take a tour of the building, inspired by follies, fairy tales and fictional woman named Julie, via HUH. magazine.
Photographer Lee Mawdsley captures the derelict Millennium Mills

Millennium Mills in London’s Royal Docks is getting ready for a revival but, before it changes forever, photographer Lee Mawdsley made sure to document this icon of industrial Britain in all its ruin porn glory. See more on It’s Nice That.
Inside the abandoned Detroit house filled with flowers

Floral designer Lisa Waud filled 15 rooms of an abandoned house in Detroit with 4,000 flowers. Fubiz shows what she managed in just 48 hours.