Seamour and Gerte Shavin House. Photography: Jim Roberts /Wikicommons

11 May 2021: The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy is streaming remote tours of several of the architect’s buildings, including five private homes and a church.

The spring tour programme, which is taking place from 14 to 16 May 2021, offers Frank Lloyd Wright enthusiasts a chance to explore houses that are usually closed to the public – accompanied by stories from the people that own the homes, and have worked hard to preserve them.

Kinney House in Texas. Via Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
Kinney House in Texas. Via Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Including in the list of homes is the Sutton House in Nebraska – a rare example of a Prairie design constructed outside the Midwest – the Shavin House in Tennessee and the Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House in Texas. Owners will conduct the tours, and share their own memories and experiences of living there, as well as some of the extensive restoration work that’s been carried out.

Two sessions are taking place each day via Zoom, and tickets start at $130 per household – which includes a one-year membership.

Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House, via Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House, via Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Pilgrim Congregational church. Photography: Pat Mahoney / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Pilgrim Congregational church. Photography: Pat Mahoney / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Sutton House Photography: Gregory Dowell / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Sutton House Photography: Gregory Dowell / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Zeigler House interior / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Zeigler House interior / Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy

Weekend watch: Brad Pitt recounts the story of Unity Temple in this new Frank Lloyd Wright film



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