This Swedish farm in Husum has gone on sale for 3.5m SEK – and it’s looking for an aspiring gallerist to call it home…
Familjegården Utås Gård comes with a cache of buildings, including a 200 sqm barn housing Galleri Utås. The wooden structure has been refurbished and comes with all the white walls you’d expect from a contemporary gallery – mixed with rugged beamed ceilings and timber floors.

The three-bedroom main house, which was rebuilt by the current owner in the late 1970s, is a stone’s throw away. It riffs on the surrounding 1865 structures, with a red-painted façade and pitched roof. Interiors meanwhile are rustic, with painted open fireplaces and outdoor terraces, white washed floors, windows and timber slatted ceilings.

Also part of the Swedish property – on the market via Fantastic Frank – are two ‘ladder houses’, presumably named for the wooden steps which reach up to their lofts. They could be turned into guest accommodation by the new owner, as might the old smithy, which at present is used for storage.

Husum is at the northern entrance to the High Coast, and is known for its small businesses – including the art gallery and the local paper mill, which is the town’s main employer.
Read next: Live in a Swedish greenhouse