Over in Melbourne, architects Adam Newman and Kelvin Tsang have recreated Greece’s Parthenon in full technicolour, calling the pavilion the Temple of Boom.
The structure is third of the scale of the ancient original and is located in the gardens of the National Gallery of Victoria for its seventh annual NGV Architecture Commission. Far from being the classical Hellenic structure, however, the colonnaded pavilion is dazzled with murals by Victoria artists Drez, Manda Lane, and David Lee Pereira.
According to Newman and Tsang, who work at Aussie firm NWMN, Temple of Boom is a sparking point for conversations about how buildings, identities and perspectives can evolve and change.
The original Parthenon was built in the 5th century BCE and has been a temple to Athena, a Roman Catholic church and a mosque under Ottoman occupation over the centuries. Since the 1970s, its undergone preservation and is a major tourist attraction.
Temple of Boom will host live performances, programs, and music throughout the summer and will be in situ until October 2023.
Ground Level, Grollo Equiset Garden, National Gallery of Victoria