Art, News I 13.08.19 I by

This Lisbon basketball court is now a huge playing card

Artist AkaCorleone spent nine days repainting this Lisbon basketball court, which depicts the king and queen found in a deck of cards.

The Portuguese street artist used 91 litres of paint to cover the court in blue, pink, red and purple. He says the piece, named Balance, is about the search for ‘a perfect duality’.

This Lisbon basketball court is now a huge playing card
Courtesy AkaCorleone

‘The concept behind the art for this project was to play with the notion of duality, of two different points of view, two different sides that complement each other like two opposite versions of the same reality that can only be understood as on,’ he explains.

AkaCorleone’s basketball court is found in Lisbon’s Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, and was created as part of the Underdogs Public Art Programme in partnership with the Urban Art Gallery of the Lisbon Municipal Council.

This Lisbon basketball court is now a huge playing card
Courtesy AkaCorleone

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