Highlights from our digital travels this week.

A real-life ‘Batcave’ in Melbourne

Source: Core77

Does this car park look familiar? Melbourne-based practice Molecule drew on Batman’s secret lair in The Dark Knight film when creating this underground garage – commissioned by a wealthy owner of a historic estate… Before you ask, it wasn’t Bruce Wayne. See more of the real-life ‘Batcave’ on Core77.

Britain’s most endangered buildings

Overstone Hall Photography: Bill Bolton
Overstone Hall, East Midlands
Photography: Bill Bolton

We often take historic buildings for granted, just because they’ve been around for so long. The Victorian Society has announced this year’s ‘Top Ten Most Endangered Victorian and Edwardian Buildings in England and Wales’, reminding us that some of these structures are at real risk. Among the 10 are the Ladywell Baths in London’s Lewisham and Overstone Hall in the East Midlands.

Soviet space dreams

VIncent Fournier photography Space Project
Photography: Vincent Fournier

The search for worlds beyond our own continues, but as photographer Vincent Fournier shows, there’s plenty to savour closer to home. His Space Project series delves into the labs leading the space exploration race, capturing the remote landscapes where these technological utopias are based. Head to The Calvert Journal for more.

Are these the libraries of the future?

Jie Ma library
Source: designboom

Here’s something to get bookworms excited… Shanghai-based artist Jie Ma has reimagined traditional libraries as monumental structures, featuring endless rows of towering bookshelves and larger-than-life encyclopaedias. See Jie’s vision for the library on designboom.

Phone booths for hire

Red telephone boxes
Source: CityMetric

What do you do with all those telephone boxes now that – in the words of CityMetric – ‘no one except Colin Farrell ever needs to use a pay phone’? The Red Kiosk Company has one solution: rent out Britain’s famed red boxes as food and beverage stands.



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