Photography: Daniele Bozzano

Padova’s Poetic Hotel has been reborn as an art exhibition with one big twist – visitors must wander its rooms remotely, to preserve their fragile microclimate.

Fixtures and furnishings from the building’s former life as a hotel remain in place, despite its doors being shut for the last 23 years. However, they’ve now become part of an expansive installation created by artist Simone Berno and featuring the work of 30 other creators.

Photography: Daniele Bozzano

Paintings, sculptures, photos and pieces of poetry now appear amongst the hotel’s mouldering rooms, which are being left to deteriorate gradually. Those that want to check into Poetic Hotel must do so remotely to avoid any further damage to its decaying structure.

Berno has no plans to re-open the hotel to the public, telling Art Tribune that he has an agreement with the owner to let time run its course. This will result in the eventual demolition of the building and the destruction of its artworks.

Photography: Daniele Bozzano
Photography: Daniele Bozzano
Photography: Daniele Bozzano
Photography: Daniele Bozzano

3 light installations we’re enjoying during lockdown



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