Architecture, Interiors, News I 18.06.24 I by

Seoul café Dica doubles as a design incubator

What makes Seoul one of the most creative places on the planet is the determination of its designers to test their wildest ideas in the public realm. This makes visiting the city a nonstop adventure. Take Dica, the latest café to open in the Yongsan district. On the ground floor of a tower on Ichon-ro, near the Han River, it centres on an eight-metre cantilevered table, which appears to float over a corresponding swatch of flooring that seems illuminated from beneath. The table runs down the central spine of the 120-square-metre space, mirrored on both sides by a built-in stainless-steel kitchen and a long upholstered banquette.

Designed by local architects Artefact, the table is anchored into a wall of concrete, which references the building’s warehouse history. It can be set up with as many as 12 chairs or left alone to serve as a bar, with ample space around it to circulate – Dica has pulled up a dozen robust armless fibreglass chairs for diners interested in its menu of wines, snacks and hot drinks.

The concrete bar appears to hover in the the space
View of the 'floating' bar counter and underlit flooring
DICA cafe and bar exterior features a curved brick facade and oversized lettering

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