Photography: Jerome Bon
An ongoing scanning project has uncovered a ‘new’ 30-foot-long corridor close to the entrance of Egypt’s Pyramid of Khufu.
Radiography was used to probe the pyramid using subatomic particles called muons, which can pass through solid objects. By setting up muon detectors within the monument, also known as The Great Pyramid, scientists could map out any voids and calculate the dimensions of this gabled corridor – which stretches seven-foot high and seven-foot wide and has a triangular shape.
‘There are two large limestones at the end of the chamber, and now the question is what’s behind those stones and below the chamber?’ said Christoph Grosse from the Technical University of Munich, a leading member of the ScanPyramids mission, which, for the last eight years, has used various kinds of scanning technologies to peek inside Egypt’s ancient structures.

The tunnel’s purpose remains a mystery, although some have theorised these kinds of empty spaces – found in several pyramids so far – are to do with structural stability.
The Pyramid of Khufu was built for Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu, who reigned from 2509 to 2483 BCE. His monument is the largest of three that make up the Great Pyramids – the only of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World surviving to date.