Via Summer Place auctions

Four sections of the Berlin Wall – once part of artist Ben Wagin’s Parliament of Trees memorial – are headed to the auction block next week with an estimate of £12,000-£18,000.

The slab of concrete is covered in graffiti and was painted by Wagin in 1990 in memory of the hundreds of people killed trying to escape over the border. It reads, ‘To unite means to learn to share’ – a quote by former German president Richard von Weizsäcker.

Via Summer Place auctions

The sections were originally part of the 87-mile-long wall itself, which was constructed in 1961 to separate East and West Berlin. After it was demolished the pieces were reappropriated as part of Wagin’s memorial, opposite the Reichstag, but were later removed to make room for additional constructions.

The five-metre-wide chunk is one of a small number of remaining sections of the Berlin Wall, much of which was destroyed or recycled when it was torn down. It is being auctioned by Summers Place Auctions on 12 March.

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