It’s a special day for us. After months of work, the doors to The Spaces are now officially open. Please take a look around.

The Spaces is a digital publication from VF Publishing exploring new ways to live and work. We’ll be taking readers on a journey to little seen corners of the world’s key design and architecture hubs, looking at how attitudes to space are shifting and meeting the people who are changing the game.

We will step inside forgotten buildings being revived in remarkable ways and new landmarks that respond to today’s urban challenges.

We want to inform and spark new conversations about design and property, while inspiring people to look at their environments differently.

Today is the publication’s soft launch – a taste of what’s to come – with many more features to be introduced soon, alongside daily news stories. Keep checking back to see more, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest (for lots of additional exclusives); and be sure sign up to our weekly newsletter (below) for our round-up of news and features from the week gone by. You can also follow the core editorial team and our contributors on Twitter.

This is just the beginning of the journey and we welcome you to share it with us. We hope you enjoy the ride.




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