The Beach House in Geelong by Studio Esteta. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Minimalist kitchens aren’t just made – they’re organised.
Monochrome countertop and cupboard designs can help you achieve the look, but curation is just as essential to a successful working kitchen as matching hardware.
The first thing to go is clutter: those new-fangled forky-things you bought on a whim last year but never used? They’re gone. Mismatched bowls you kept from your college days, just in case? Donate them! Minimalist kitchens thrive on less, so hide away those daily appliances, put everything in the right spot and lose the extras. Clean lines must greet the eye: that means beautifully crafted cabinetry without unsightly doorknobs, sleek modern appliances – and where possible, keep them all hidden.
Here’s some inspiration on Pinterest to encourage your declutter.